Saturday, September 12, 2015

Selvedge Play

This morning I have been 'experimenting' with the small 'off-cuts' selvedges (I don't throw any selvedges away LOL).

I have made a paper mache mannequin bust and want to cover it with selvedges.  Before I set to that huge task, I tried the technique I had in mind on a small paper mache mug I had made a couple of years ago. 

 Selvedges were glued on and then the whole mug was brushed over with glue to act as a 'sealer'.

 I am pleased with the end result and think the technique will work on the mannequin bust.  I added some selvedges to the bottom of the mug as well.

It is now drying in the sun along with a couple of other paper mache bowls in the making, and I am hoping it dries well without the selvedges coming off.

Play time is over and it is now back to working on my latest selvedge quilt.

Happy stitching !

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